Naturopath Herbalist
Quantum Theta Recalibrations

Karin Godbold is a qualified Naturopath - Herbalist - Nutritionist - Iridologist -  Quantum Theta Recalibrations Lifestyle Coach - Energy Medicine Massage Therapist - StarSeed - LightWorker - WayShower

Karin works on many levels to help you with your further integration of body mind and soul healing.

Whether you are having a Naturopathic Consult or a Quantum Theta Recalibrations Session & Consult, I weave into each of these sessions with intuitive guidance from my Higher Self and God/Goddess 'Creator of All that Is' to assess and assist in the present moment the up-levelling for each Soul in their awakening path to Healing and Devine happiness - joy and wellbeing.

Karin works passionately to naturally address the primary stressors of the bio system for each individual person who is experiencing ill-ness or attempting to maintain good health. This can be done with the interactive assistance of Iridology, Numerology, Healy Resonance frequencies and Flower Remedy Card Readings to help you to navigate and understand your path moving forward with more clarity.

'Beliefs' have an incredible impact with the way that we function, and understanding that the organs and body hold certain frequencies, feelings and beliefs and how they are expressed help to educate clients on the bigger picture of their dis-order in the physical mental and spiritual bodies collectively.

Karin creates an individual lifestyle plan based on all levels of health, diet and life analysis using the highest standard of care, incorporating better client education into an organic nature based whole food diet, and the use of clinically approved nutritional supplements, flower remedies, with added emotional support when needed through Quantum Field Energy Healing techniques and coaching.

Karin also has a vast understanding of Quantum Field Energy Medicine and helps to release and recalibrate all parts of the multi levels of self through past distortions in the social engineering and programming of the human and soul and help to reboot you back to your Devine Self - Soul - Higher Self Frequencies to create the New Earth moving forward at this time.

Naturopathy - Herbal Medicine - Iridology

Naturopathic Medicine with the healing power of nature recognises an inherent self-healing process in people that is ordered and intelligent.

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Quantum Theta Recalibrations

“Imagine living your life feeling completely healthy, happy, joyful and abundant in every moment. Whatever problem or issue you're facing - good Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching can help you to move past what's been holding you back and heal your life faster than you ever thought possible”.

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Flower Remedies

Flower essences are different than essential oils in that they impact the body via biophotonic information transfer through photons from the Sun, the bioelectrical information emitted from flowers and the crystallographic informational storage capacity of the liquid crystals found abundantly in living water.

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StarSeed Indigo Blue Ray Activator Course

Are Your Ready to Step out of the Matrix and walk in your StarSeed Indigo Blue Ray frequency with better innerstanding of how to navigate thru these times with better connection to Creator God thru a Quantum Theta Recalibraitons. If you are feeling called to up-level your potential moving forward into the New Earth, come and join the StarSeed Indigo Blue Ray Activator Course You will be given the tools to navigate this time thru your many Chakra systems and to your Galactic Heritage, Earth Grid & Stargate Connection. Many techniques will be explored to Activate your Dormant DNA during the intensive 2 Day Course in Cairns North Qld. I have 20 years of experience navigating thru my own StarSeed Indigo Blue Ray innerstanding and have taught in the past to help others find and clear themselves from the Matrix of Family Genetic Past Life Imprints - connecting to your Divine Blueprint in more Peace Love and Harmony moving forward at this time. If you are interested, please let me know by sending me a message. I am doing this course 8th & 9th June 2024. Let’s get together and start creating a clearer path forward for humanity and discover what your mission is for this lifetime and how you can do this in the kindness and easiest path forward. 💎 This course will help you to Awaken your Multi-Dimensional Light Body & your Super Human Gifts, Talents and Abilities for your StarSeed Indigo Blue Ray Consciousness & Celestial Ascension 💎 Receive Expanded Chakra System upgrades & Dormant DNA Light Language Activation's thru the Earth Grids & Star Gates bringing deeper innerstanding to you Galactic Origins and Root Race History of Mother Earth 💎 Clear old belief systems and feelings for yourself and to help others navigating thru the Indigo Trauma & Awakening matrix and also to align with your StarSeed Indigo Blue Ray mission on Earth at this time. 💎 Working with higher dimensional beings and clearing energies that are not harmonious to you in your Souls ascension pathway. 💎 Bring in Light codes for humanity and expansion of your future self timelines and multidimensional expression. 💎 Innerstanding Earth Crystal Grids & Galactic - Solar Sun changes at this time. Navigating your health and wellbeing to better align with the New Earth. In Peace Love and Harmony to you all KArin

Galactic Astrology Readings

Please let me know if you are interested in knowing your off world history and lineages ...


Qenda - A food containing a powerful combination of premium herbs rich in fibre. - Excellent Organic Source of Dietary Fibre - Dietary Fibre Assists Regular Bowel Movements* - One Serve Provides 49% of the Recommended Daily Intake For Dietary Fibre - 100% Certified Organic and Wildcrafted Ingredients - Contains premium adaptogenic herbs - NON-GMO Ingredients - VEGAN - Gluten Free *When made up as directed and in the context of a healthy diet involving the consumption of a variety of foods.

zazen Alkaline Water

Life Changing Event image
In 2000 I had a Near Death Experience NDE and a stroke  that literally changed my entire life. When I was up at the pearly gates all I could think of was “I have things to do” and then bang - like a sound of thunder and lightning I came back in my body and experienced a small stroke with the sensation shooting down my right side of my body.  I knew I had to fulfil my lifelong dream to become a naturopath and herbalist – little did I know that the spiritual side to healing just became so prominent in my life it was such a transformational time and life changing to say the least.

So 3 months after this NDE and stroke, I enrolled in Uni to complete and upgrade my leaving results doing Chemistry to get into Occupational Therapy – this was pretty challenging as I was also experiencing massive chronic fatigue and migraines but I pushed on and got thru only to realise that I didn’t want to move from my home base and decided to learn Remedial Massage instead which ended up to be the best choice for me at this time and on a Soul Level.

At the end of 2000, Tibetan Buddhism became the first spiritual practice that came into my life and I practiced many of the teachings for 4 years and also studying to become a Remedial Massage therapist - Energy Medicine Healer and Aromatherapist.

In 2004 Theta Healing came into my life. I studied this for 4 years doing many of the practices and teachings and also taught for a short while - I totally love this technique it is so inspiring and life changing to say the least.

In 2008 I became further interested in increasing my understanding of how to release contracts etc from a much higher level and also to learn my Galactic Heritage and understanding moving forward. I was searching info on Parallel Lives and came across a school called Spiritual SChool of Ascension (SSOA).This school was run by an amazing healer by the name of Karen DAnrich. Karen was going by the name of 'Mila' and her partner, Thomas Weber 'OA' and they lived in Kuwaii for many years. Karen, Aka 'Mila' was an Ascension Master in Lemuria and was able to express amazing channellings and teachings that really opened me up to my Galactic Centre and StarSeed heritage on many levels. Karen later became 'Lilliya' and created another school after OA passed called Light Wave Synergy - all of her teachings are available and I pray in the future that I will be able to share her teachings to continue her legacy. The information that unfolded from my connection with Karen Danrich are also vibrated and expressed thru my sessions and healings. She will always be in my heart and often she comes to me to visit as she did when she passed so I have a wonderful connection with her.

Previously in 1999 I completed the first level training for Kinesiology which gave me a really good understanding of how this would work with Theta Healing to test for beliefs etc.

In 2001, I complete the first level training for Reiki but now use my own innate Galactic and Shamanic connection when doing healings and readings.

In 2008 I finally started my studies in Naturopathy, Herbalism & Nutrition and completed this in 2015.

Qualifications image
Integrative Iridology
Master Class
Toni MIller

Advanced Diploma Naturopathy
Advanced Diploma Western Herbal Medicine
Advanced Diploma Nutrition

Integrative Iridology
IRIS 1 - 2 & 3 Certificate
Toni Miller

Diploma Remedial Massage

2008 - 2015
Spiritual School of Ascension
Messages from the Earth Mother
& Mastering the Heart of Ascension
Karen Danrich
"Mila" - "Lilliya Nita"

Theta Healing
DNA 1&2 (Teachers - exp)
Intuitive Anatomy (orig - Psychic Anatomy)
DNA Advanced (Teachers - exp)
DNA Rainbow Children (Teachers - exp)
Manifesting & Abundance (Teachers - exp)


Reiki Level 1

Kinesiology Level 1
  • Cairns Queensland, Australia